At 11 am yesterday, I was thirsty, so I walked (a long walk from the conv floor, very long)to the SPLASH BAR & who do I spot Mr. Splashbar Cashman....we swapped stories & lies for almost 6 hours and downed a few cold ones.
I also met MR. "Cigarman" Smith & yes he had one of those long cigars, smoking it, sure looked like he was enjoying it.
David Spragg was puffing on one also, however he did look green around the gills, & drinking coke cola.
Went to Dinner around 5 with Joe Pavlik. He did a GREAT job on the Personal chip display. There were 99 chips displayed. Mike Heron was also on the committe & was very very helpful. Both should be appaluded....
Going back today (sat) should I avoid the last hurrrrah..
Conv really has come & gone very fast. Was great to meet so many people, & see new friends again.
Mr CASHMAN...left the Countown begin as soon as you get home...