I saw the list and have a copy of it at my office (David, you might check with Greg to see if he has it, if not, I can email it to you on Monday (I know it's no help for you tomorrow)).
The Rat posted a message a couple of years ago (long before Billy showed up on the board).
There were names on "the list" that were of members who don't post here often (or don't even post at all).
And yes, some of the people on "the list" do have altered chips in their collections.
I'm not a big fan of "the rat" but I have posted here many times that we need a "altered free" club like "slab free" club. Every time I make a post about starting a club......No body wants to jump on the bandwagon a sign up!
Altered chips are MANY more times dangerous than slabbed chips will ever be. I can always see a slabbed chip a mile away, but I'm guessing the average collector (including myself) can't tell the difference between an altered chip and a perfect chip.
So who’s ready to sign the pledge:
Take The Pledge To Be Altered Chip Free!
I will NOT buy any altered chip.
I will NOT have any altered chip in my collection.
I will NOT buy ANY chip from any dealer who sells altered chips.
I will NOT buy ANY chip from any dealer who sends their chips to someone who fixes altered chips.
I will NOT do business of any kind with any dealer who participates in any way in the practice of having chips altered.
I don't expect to see a long line of people signing up for this pledge