Do you think you add any validity to your statement by hiding behind a pseudonym?
Put your money where you mouth is and GIVE OUT REAL FACTS.
There was a rat a few years back that didn’t have a clue on who had altered chips and accused innocent dealers of wrong doing.
Unless you have work orders from David Whalen and pictures of the individuals picking up the chips, then I'm guess you don't have a clue.
Yes, I personally of know some of the members on your list do have "altered chips" in their collections, and they have them in their personal collections and are NOT selling them.
In some cases (the Hard Rock brass cores), are so completely altered that no one would think that they were original. Yes, if someone was not educated in chip collecting, they might mistake them for an original.
Until the BOD does anything against the “makers” and “fixers” of altered chips, it’s a mute point.
Come back and enlighten us when the BOD bans all members for life who have or sell altered chips and you have the facts to back up your statement.