Wow, I'd sure like to have that. I was lucky enough to meet the author of Roger Rabbit (Gary Wolf) online many years ago. I was looking for Jessica stuff and he was looking for jukebox parts. So we made several trades...he was almost giving away tons of memrobillia and I got a bunch of the oddball stuff (Jessica apron, kitchen mittens, cups and my most prized item, the sequel book to Roger, etc.) He was mad at Disney and Spielburg because the 3 of them own the rights to Roger and couldn't agree on terms for a new movie. He has had a new script written for 10 years now but Roger is all but dead forever because of Spielburg doing his Dreamworks thing (heavy competiton for Disney). So he's dumped almost everything related to Roger...he now collects antique carousel horses, does comic book conventions, jogs and is trying his hand at his true love...writing Sci-Fi books.