I have had a unbelievable expression of concern over my chip thefts. Many e-mails some offering chip replacements as a gift. I can't express to you, the good feelings these kind words had, and the positive effect on me.I can't accept any chips, I wouldn't feel right, I didn't lose any high end chips (locked in safe). I suggested to those who offered give to building fund, or new members. But, what an outfit, what great generosity, no other club can match our good people. I've been thinking a long time about becoming a life time member, this event made up my mind 100%, at the convention I'll join as a LM. Thanks again for all the kind words. All parties deny any involvement, Detective on vacation for 2-weeks, My ins. company, trying to figure out if collectible old gaming and poker chips are covered in any way.( never had this type of claim before-GMAC ins,) I'm going to convention and have a great time, hope to see you all there.