Thanks William. I'll include the 1954 date for the poker chips in my auction description. From the web site you gave in your post, I now know the date. Since there is no zip code on the box address, I was going to say the chips were before the 1960's. Neat the way the web site gives the year they started each address (on the boxes). I looked up the Company on eBay to see if there were any poker chip sales of their products, but found only dominoes, which they make today. (I ordered their catalog to see if they still make poker chips, but I doubt it -- not on their web site.)
They say:
uremco was founded in 1954 and began using the following Post Office boxes for the following years:
1954 - P.O. Box 797
1983 - P.O. Box 82
1994 - No P.O. Box (might be 82 or 691 inside of case)
1998 - P.O. Box 691
1999 - P.O. Box 21569
These P.O. Boxes would be printed inside the lid of your box. Often, we can tell the age of a domino set by the design or size also. If you're unable to determine the age by the information on the case, e-mail us more information to