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The Chip Board Archive 13

My one and a half cents...

After reading Brian Watts' post about Greg, the subsequent response posts and this one - I'm compelled to add my one and a half cents...

A Chronology of Events:
My Grandfather died and left me some chips.
My sister is fighting me for the chips
Broke my arm in 3 places fighting a bad fire
Back to work
Pray for my sister who's dying.
Sister supposedly passes away shortly after
Cancer diagnosis
It's spread
Airlift to hospital
In a coma
Name that tumor
No it isn't the diagnosis was wrong
They made me go for radiation that wasn't necessary
I'm working part-time
I cried in the post office
On the mend
Coming to the Convention.
Another burn going to a controlled burn fire
Fire Dept. made me take early retirement.
My wife and her lawyer were waiting for me
I had a choice to leave quietly so I left
Can't come to the Convention
Staying with my aunt and uncle
Staying with my brother
My dog Bubba who always found my car keys died
My wife is poisoning the minds of my family

I'm sure I've left some out...

Messages In This Thread

My last contact with Greg Bryson
My one and a half cents...
Maybe Greg B. is really Burt B.?
Julie, Did I miss something?
Feel free to email me
Re: Julie, Did I miss something?
Re: Julie, Did I miss something?
Re: Julie, Did I miss something?
If things that people have been saying are true I
Re: Doug, I have a feeling...
Thanks Kerry, your probably right.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg