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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Grammar
In Response To: Grammar ()

Since you are nit-picking again ... you should have left a space betweeen the three connected dots and the preceeding and following words.

Charles... why would I do that? I've just looked at about 12 websites and could not find any such rule. In fact, most say that spacing is optional and is a typographical option rather than a rule of punctuation. says this:

"Although some write ellipses without spaces, some institutions, such as the Oxford University Press, place spaces before the ellipsis."'s "Rules Of Typography" page says this:

"When creating an ellipsis, you should consider adding a small amount of space (via your application’s kerning commands) before and after it, or no space at all. The normal space created with the Space Bar is too wide to place before an ellipsis, although it is okay to place a full space after it if it appears at the end of a sentence."

Looking forward to seeing you too, buddy!

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Re: membership
Alex - no sponsorship required. But, you can
Re: Alex - no sponsorship required. But, you can
Although no sponsorship is required...
In that case, Charles ...
Re: Grammar
Sticky fingers on a hot humid night
Ouch! rofl
Re: Grammar
I should have known vbg
Charles . . . Even a monkey . . .

Copyright 2022 David Spragg