The numbers you are using are Greg Susong's Chip Guide numbers, hence the "CG".
By posting the numbers only, you are forcing others to go look for them. It really helps to show scans. These scans are all from Greg's ChipGuide pages, the same place you probably got the numbers from.
I put these scans here by visiting ChipGuide (Texas, Speaking Rock) and right-clicking each chip (one at a time) and selecting 'view image'. This displays the one scan and includes a URL that you can copy and paste into your post.
However, in order to have the URL display the scan, you must first type this, without any spaces or quotes: "[""PIC""]", and then type (or paste) the URL. At the end of the URL, again, without spaces or quotes, type: "[""/""PIC""]"
If you do that, your posted message will display the scan. If you just type the URL, then it will be a hot-link that others can click to at least see the scan and then come back to your message.
You can repeat this process for more than one scan, just as I did for four.
Go ahead, give it a try. If you make a mistake, you can always delete your post, but use the Preview option. If you don't see it right in preview, then it won't display right in Post Message.
Good luck in your search,