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The Chip Board Archive 13

TITO Collectors - You're Crazy!
Subheadline from this Detroit News story: Detroit's gaming halls keep $650,000 since '03 from unredeemed receipts that expire...

It's a story about how much a couple of Detroit "gaming halls" have posted for unredeemed TITOs and that also there are $3.3 in uncashed chips outstanding too! Zoiks! that you?

Typical mainstream media attitude that if patrons don't cash out that somehow the casinos don't really deserve to keep the money. Here in the Marxist Utopia of Oregon the state would try to acquire this money to pass along to its various union workers and moguls and poobahs. After all, they are actually going after unredeemed store gift cards here.

"It's really not their money because someone did win it," she said.

"It should go to the school aid fund."

Some discussion about why some folks aren't cashing in are in the story. What really needs to happen is folks in Detroit need to buy some of that memory enhancement stuff whose name escapes me at the moment...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg