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The Chip Board Archive 13

Good thought; Silver lining

I would, of course, still use my personal accout for receipts. I was thinking of ways to imply it in the auction description. What you said was pretty good -- other usually accepted payment methods; just ask. We could have a contest on sneaky ways give the hint. Say, "Payment methods that dare not speak its name" or "forbidden payment methods" or "PalPay accepted", "***Pal" or "laPyaP," etc.

Seriously, too, regarding the $500 monthly limit on eBay auction payments allowed for personal PayPal accounts, this rule change can be a good thing. Buyers wil have to put in your email address and use the "Send Money" tab, so no more concern about that $500 limit, which probably won't apply anymore.

This should spark another class action lawsuit against eBay -- when they were allowed to buy PayPal, they had to promise not to discriminate, abuse their purchase???

Developing .... ......


Messages In This Thread

Ebay / PayPal Policy Change
Re: Ebay / PayPal Policy Change
The NAZI regime is alive and kicking!!
Re: Ebay / PayPal Policy Change
Re: Ebay / PayPal Policy Change
I'll never "upgrade" to Business Acct; Greedy bums
Anti-PayPal web sites; PayPal horror stories
Important PayPal INSURANCE question.
You can always try.....
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: grin Offer GreenZap? Does anyone have a
That's Steve, not Bill. And Now I regret it,...
anti-GreenZap web site
Re: grin Offer GreenZap? Does anyone have a
Re: They won't get me!
I imagine we will still be able...
Good thought; Silver lining
It's about time....
Re: It's about time....
FeeBay Sucks! I hate giving them my money!
I'm Confused?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg