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The Chip Board Archive 13

I'll never "upgrade" to Business Acct; Greedy bums

I wish I knew of a good no-fee alternative to PayPal, one that never uses credit cards so there would be no need for high fees. .... ....... .... I'll never let them collect fees from me for receiving funds. I'll never "upgrade."

This is what I recently sent a buyer of mine: Ebay�s fees are high enough. I don�t have to pay PayPal fees if I have a personal PayPal account, which can�t accept receipts funded by credit cards. I once figured out that if, for example, I listed something on eBay for a $6 opening bid and it sold for $6.00, the combined eBay-PayPal fees (assuming one had a non-personal PayPal account) would be $1.14 (19% of $6)!!! For a $50 opening bid and sale, it would be a combined $6.15 fee (12.3%)!!! No wonder many people call it feeBay instead of eBay. (And those numbers are for items that sell. The percents are higher if you factor in the times there are no-sales, and Gallery fees.)


Messages In This Thread

Ebay / PayPal Policy Change
Re: Ebay / PayPal Policy Change
The NAZI regime is alive and kicking!!
Re: Ebay / PayPal Policy Change
Re: Ebay / PayPal Policy Change
I'll never "upgrade" to Business Acct; Greedy bums
Anti-PayPal web sites; PayPal horror stories
Important PayPal INSURANCE question.
You can always try.....
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: grin Offer GreenZap? Does anyone have a
That's Steve, not Bill. And Now I regret it,...
anti-GreenZap web site
Re: grin Offer GreenZap? Does anyone have a
Re: They won't get me!
I imagine we will still be able...
Good thought; Silver lining
It's about time....
Re: It's about time....
FeeBay Sucks! I hate giving them my money!
I'm Confused?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg