Compare that with:
Miami= 91 - 61% (Isolated Thunderstorms)
New Orleans= 85 - 76% (Scattered Thunderstorms)
*During the day the humidity in a tropical rainforest measures about 80%. At night the humidity is even higher at 95%.
Historical Averages for Convention in Las Vegas (does NOT apply to the SPLASH BAR!):
Day Sunrise/Sunset Avg.,High Avg.,Low Mean Record,High Record,Low
3 5:50 AM 7:44 PM 104°F 79°F 91°F 116°F (1979) 69°F (1950)
4 5:50 AM 7:43 PM 104°F 78°F 91°F 114°F (1979) 60°F (1953)
5 5:51 AM 7:42 PM 104°F 78°F 91°F 113°F (1969) 63°F (1953)
6 5:52 AM 7:41 PM 103°F 78°F 91°F 114°F (1978) 64°F (1950)