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The Chip Board Archive 13

LADY LUCK renovation

very shortly the third street entrance will become the VALET parking line and the casino opening and front desk will be on 3rd street right across from hogs and heffers. THIS COULD HAPPEN WITHIN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. i understand that they will evently have a poker room New 1000 room addition. where VALET AND CASINO ENTRANCE IS RIGHT NOW. All rooms to be renovated. BIG THINGS ARE HAPPENING WAS JUST THERE YESTERDAY. Very friendly pit. just could not hit the big LET IT RIDE. any way 3rd street grill food was great the burgendy room was dekightful. so many new things are happing. bar to be moved to the front of the casino. ETC come on over tell LARRY (EXECITIVE CASINO HOST OR TONY) I SENT YOU.

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Great things are happening downtown Las Vegas
ccgtcc You will have to give a guided tour rofl
May need to borrow the ebay bus and
Thanks Julie! grin Happy 4th!!! USA
Re: John, maybe we'll...
LADY LUCK renovation

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