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The Chip Board Archive 13

Extra! Boxing Contest - Win A Corvette! vbg

What?: A contest for tonight's fight on Showtime: Samuel "The Nigerian Nightmare" Peter (23-0-0, NABF/USBA Heavyweight Champ) versus Taurus "The Bull" Jabbar Sykes (NABA Heavyweight Champ) from the Reno Events Center, Reno NV. (Current line has Peter @ -500 and Sykes @ +300. Draw = +1800. Under 7� = -135. Over = -105.)

Who?: Contest is open to all ccgtcc members. The first 15 members who link their name and ccgtcc # in the Subject line to this post are entered. Any emails sent to me will be ignored. I cannot be responsible for any system issues that delay posting times - the first 15 names I can see are in.

How?: I will take the 15 names and in a random drawing, assign each either a 14 second interval (1-14 seconds, 15-29 seconds, etc.) or "no contest", "decision" or "draw". Whoever is in the right spot when the fight ends is the winner.

What's the prize?: Winner takes title to a mint 1968 Chevy Corvette and three casino chips. I will provide pictures of the prizes when the draw is announced.

Once I get 15 contestants, I will post the drawing results and provide more detail on the rules. Good luck!

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Boxing Contest - Win A Corvette! vbg
David Spragg R-6180
Jim Gagnon (R-5882)
Thanks Bob I'm in jim episale r 2428
I'll Always remember "The Nigerian Nightmare" ....
Stu Grant R-6598
Gabe Vallido, R-4928
Steve Bedo {LM-5259-111}...& thx, Bob!! grin
Re: Extra! Boxing Contest - Win A Corvette! vbg
Damon j. Roberts R-4920
Greg Bryson R-6752
Virgil Foss R 6387-Az.
Andy Hughes LM-2471-52
Extra! 5 Spaces Left!! Extra!
Tom Hanson R-6618
Lance Robertson Sr. R-5654
Extra! 3 Spaces Still Left!! Extra!
Jim Gardner R-6677
Bill Harkins R-4026
Extra! One More!!!! Extra!
Irwin Gross R-130
Dave Cygul R-6666 (In case you have a drop-out!)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg