Did you miss me ? I've been galavanting all over the world doing reaserch for my Co. Spent 4 nightmarish weeks in Chile, I wouldn't recommend that place as a vacation spot, insane cab drivers, really bad food, not mention the bad weather, studying process procedures at our plant there. Then took a nice 14 hr. plane trip to Austrailia for another 5 weeks of fun and games. While I was there I managed to hook up with my son "THE DOCTOR" , I'm one proud Dad of him
He's stationed in a place called Cooper Pedy (sp) which I'm told is the Opal Capital of the world. And is also famous for having protions of the Star Wars movies filmed there. Austrailia is a place to behold to bad I didn't get to much time in the cities, I was traveling most of the time researhing sites for a new plant. Needless to say I went to alot of out of the way places that weren't even on the maps, at least that I could find
Thank God for our drivers and guide who seemed to know every road and watering hole in the whole outback
That's how we met up with some of the VERY colorful local "mates" who only had one thing on their minds--BEER--
I have to admit they were the greatest bunch of fun loving guys and gals I have ever met and partied with
I'm sorry to say I didn't get one chip the whole time I was gone. Matter of fact I didn't even see a Casino my whole trip.
I've got a stack of mail from chippers who want to trade personal chips and have received some chips. Mine are supposed to be here on the 8th of July so when they are delivered I'll be sending three of mine to you, Red, Blue, and the new Black.
Now down to BIZ Who's got some Large Crowns from NV
or trade
Hava Good One, Richard