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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Hey Greg, Wichita Ks. isn't that bad

I may drive south this evening. My wife has plans with a few college friends and I hate being the odd man out (I'm odd enough as it is). A sonic burger sounds good, as long as its a super sonic with mayo and bacon...I wonder if I can get it served by a balding chip collector?? vbg I TIP WELL!!!!

Messages In This Thread

NCR vbg I love this town! vbg
Hey Greg
grin Good Thing You Didn't Have Some Medicinal MJ
Not for kids to read please
Re: Not for kids to read please
Re:Oreos like Teddy KGB?
Re:Oreos like Teddy KGB?
Hey Greg, Wichita Ks. isn't that bad
Re: Hey Greg, Wichita Ks. isn't that bad
grin Greg, just keep on chipping grin
Re: grin Greg, just keep on chipping grin
Re: grin Greg, just keep on chipping grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg