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The Chip Board Archive 13

NCR vbg I love this town! vbg

Wichita Ks. has got to be the friendliest town in the country! Driving down from Atchison yesterday, as soon as we (my wife and I) got here, were given a proper welcome by one of the fine residents of the county. He backed into us, knocking the mirror off my wife's car. While waiting for th PD to show up, I was cussed at because my wife has a "we support our troops" sticker on her car. The PD officer got a little nosey and looked into our car, no big deal right? WRONG! I have 3 2-way radios and a couple of scanners in there. He thought I was trying to impersonate a PD officer. After showing him my HAM ticket and prooving I'm a firefighter he let us go with a handshake.

The doctor I'm seeing down here had no record of my appointment, so more phone calls made. I hope I get MY results tomorrow without problems!

The maid service at the hotel is funnny! She knocks on the door at 730.. I'm not in my body at that time, I told her to come back. When she finally came back, 100pm, she cleans the room, finds my cereal bowl in the sink, proceeds to put it and my spoon in the dishwasher and start it, after I told her that I would wash it. But I do like staying here at the Hotel at Oldtown. I can actually jump up and down on the bed and not hit my head on the ceiling.

On a happy note, I've gained 15 lbs in the past three weeks (there goes my figure!!) and my hair is starting to fall out (I'lll be investing in scalp wax and a buffer!)

But no matter how this trip goes, the important thing is that I FEEEL GOOD!!!

Right now in Whichita Ks.

Messages In This Thread

NCR vbg I love this town! vbg
Hey Greg
grin Good Thing You Didn't Have Some Medicinal MJ
Not for kids to read please
Re: Not for kids to read please
Re:Oreos like Teddy KGB?
Re:Oreos like Teddy KGB?
Hey Greg, Wichita Ks. isn't that bad
Re: Hey Greg, Wichita Ks. isn't that bad
grin Greg, just keep on chipping grin
Re: grin Greg, just keep on chipping grin
Re: grin Greg, just keep on chipping grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg