...take a look at this website: www.pokerchipreviews.com Seems to be a site for folks that obsess about the exact right poker chip for private use. From the review at http://www.pokerchipreviews.com/ceramic.html#Vineyards
Vineyard Casinos - New Version: The original Vineyards made their mark in the consumer market due to the fact they were a *real*, (retired), casino chip that had a good design and was also a Paulson. Demand was and still is such that sometime the prices they go at cause one to wonder about the sanity of their buyer. Because this incredibly high demand, the supplier of the original Vineyards has made this attempt to meet it with a chip not priced through the moon.
The review goes on about two new versions of these puppies and has some excellent images. Great site for the obsessed!