I write like hell! Thanks to my printer quitting on me.
I've had 66 requests for my chip resulting in 71 chips being given out.
The chip with the greatest distance to travel goes to the U.K.
The chip with the least distance to travel goes to my wife.
I will mail chips to 25 different states.
I will spend about $34 total to get those chips out. But the support and friendships are worth well more than that!
My local post office frowns on mailing more than 10 envelopes at a time, so I'll be mailing them in groups of 10 each day until I get 'em all mailed out.
You need to question your health care provider! I went to my first radiation treatment today, only to find out that I do not need radiation treatments. It seems my Oncologist read the results of another patient. So the next time you have test results given to you be sure its YOU the doctor is talking about.
Have a safe weekend!