Whenever I acquire a new crest & seal I usually make a feeble attempt to attribute it. All I know about the chip in the scan (Gastello & Cia.) is that it was billed to the account of G. Amsinck, NY in 1920.
Here is a blurb I found on Google about G. Amsinck:
"Another company operated by AIC (American Inbternational Corporation) was G. Amsinck & Co., Inc. of New York; control of the company was acquired in November 1917. Amsinck was the source of financing for German espionage in the United States"
I found similar info at several sources.
Do I have to start looking over my shoulder from now on?
Any history buffs out there that could shed more light on the issue. Who the heck was Gastelo & Company? Argentina maybe (Later on the Nazis had a pipeline to Argentina).
Anyway, if I'm never heard from again, suspect some neo nazi group.
BTW, the chip is a new discovery. It is in Howdy's book. There were a total of 3 chips in the find. I would trade one for a similar quality c&s.
BTW, I haven't even received them. You can count on that Nazi dirt being cleaned off!!