I've been reading the threads on the repaired chips and all of the problems some people think will be the downfall of our hobby. I guess I have to disagree. Why? Two words, COMMON SENSE. I've met many collectors and club members in the 29 years I've enjoyed this hobby and I have to say, about 99% of those people have COMMON SENSE. Let me give you one little example, let's say you're at the chip show looking to purchase some Las Vegas chips for your collection. You spot a Moulin Rouge $5 first edition $5 on a dealers table. You don't know the dealer, ask to see the chip and he hands it to you. Gee, it looks like you're the first person to ever touch it, it's that nice. 'How much' you ask. Well, the dealer says in that shape it books for $900, but I'll let you have it for $250! Here is where the COMMON SENSE part comes in, Look it up in the book, the book will tell you, that almost all of these were drilled and they sell in the $5-$10 range, but here is an undrilled example you can buy for $650 under book. As my friend Gene would say, DUH!
I am not trying to convince anyone that there is not a problem in our hobby and you could get taken. I'm just saying it's something that the vast majority of us will not be effected by. The people who collect the high end stuff($1000 and up) are a very small group. They also are a lot more knowledgable about the high end chips they are buying than the rest of us. Conversly, the people who deal in that stuff are also very knowledgable. I've also found that 99.9% of them are very honest and would not do anything to injure this hobby. Why? Number one, they love the hobby and number two, COMMON SENSE, the few who would take advantage know that if they screw up and get caught, they would be out. This hobby is on fire, there is simply too much money to be made legitametly to risk it for a few quick bucks.
I know some of you are going to say, ok, what about the guy who repairs a chip for his own collection not intending to take advantage of anyone, but down the road it gets back into the market. Big deal, two chips posted in threads below can be purchased with drill holes in the $3-$10 area. Repaired the chips sell for $20-$40. It probaly costs that much to have them fixed.
On to the infamous brass core chips. If you buy a previously unknown brass core chip at the convention this year for a large amount of money, you are either a very trusting individual or you are stupid. And it's probably the latter. That being said, some of them, like the one David Spragg posted yesterday are in my opinion beautiful. If you want to add one to your collection for what you consider a reasonable price, why not? If you know what you are buying and you are happy with it, great.
I'll close my long rambling post by asking all of you to use your God given COMMON SENSE when spending your hard earned dollars. I'll also say to the very few people who would take advantage and damage our great hobby, be carefull, sooner or later all crooks get what's coming to them. And keep chipping, the hobby has never been better. Jim