I drive from Plainfield-about an hour,However I would drive farther if nessessary.If they (other chippers,)arent willing to drive 1 hour ,I dont think 45 min will change thier minds.Just my opinion. : )
I enjoy the chip meetings and trade, but, I got there late and everyone left early.
I asked Mudbone "whof arted"? : )
Did I offend everyone?
Sheldon-I didnt get to see your chips.
I traded with everyone that I could before they left.
The Last meeting I attended,before that,I traded with everyone that showed but,one.Some people didn't bring traders and thats their choice.BUT nobody brang a chip rack either!I had the only copy, I found that odd!
Lets do it again soon,somewhere we don't feel rushed to leave. nuff said Rick