Bob - Your post brings back many memories of when I was working in Atlantic City during the late eighties/early nineties. I had just graduated from college and was working at the Sands when Tyson fought Spinks in I think 88 or 89. What a time it was to be in AC. "Fight Nights" were always special, especially when Tyson fought. The casinos, restaurants, and hotels were packed and celebrities were everywhere. Back then the Sands was considered to be one of the best places in town. It was a lot of fun watching the boardwalk fill up after thousands of people left Convention Hall after a big fight. I also can remember the hundreds of limos thay would pull right up on the Boardwalk to let passengers off because Atlantic Ave was so packed. Those were the days!! That doesn't happen too much here at the casinos in Tunica. Maybe someday, somewhere, the magic the Mike Tyson created on the Atlantic City Boardkwalk will be recreated.