Congrats on your choice to attend the convention Kenny!
There are trade sesions scheduled every day starting after the opening banquet and after every days sales floor closes. NO SELLING at the trade sessions allowed... buy a table if you wish to sell. Of course, there are opportunities to make trades or other deals outside of the trade sessions and perhaps you can work out trades with the dealers on the bourse floor.
Prices, values, bargains and bargaining, ahh, there's the fun and challenge! I pack the C/W guide around because of its handy size but reference is easy to find for a quick look-up. Best to do your research beforehand if you have an idea what you'll be looking for. As for impuse buying, if you buy something you like, you'll never be unhappy with what its worth. Also remember you'll have several days to do this! You don't have to look at every single chip the first trip around the floor, take notes about who has what for consideration when you have a moment to relax. AND... the people you meet will be as important as the chips you acquire!
Dress code...umm, well, no one named Kenny (or Mark) should try the bare midriff look. Dress "nice" for the banquet out of respect for our guests and our great hobby. Be comfortable the rest of the time. You WILL enjoy this experience!