What your girlfriend's truck (how may girlfiends you got?) or a helicopter? -- just kidding, yes I've been in several helicopters, but alas poor Darrell has never. Darrell took taking fixed wing flying lessons about 2 years ago. While I was sitting around waiting for him to get done, a man asked if I'd shoot video for him (he worked for local tv station) of a bad car wreck on the highway-his video guy had gone home. Poor Darrell was finished flying and fueling the airplane with his instructor when I zoomed past and yelled "bye honey, I'll be right back!". What a ride! After we shot the video, the pilot and I flew straight to the tv station past the Denver skyscrapers and delivered the tape. Too cool....Darrell has NEVER forgiven me, he's still mad that he missed out. I'm going to try to make it up to him...so NOBODY tell him..thanks