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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Todays Token 1979 Bob Stupak's Vegas World

One of my first trips to Vegas was Bob Stupak's Vegas World and it was one of those T.V. Guides add specials where I think we paid over 300.00 for two people for two nights but it came with alot of gambling $$ in the form of match play chips for the tables and NCV tokens for the slots. I quickly divided the tokens and table paly with my buddy that I went with and we set off to play it all and take any cash we got along the way!! We played for quite some time and in the end I cashed in for 155.00 and my half was about 150.00 i remeber I made and extra 5.00. It was my first FREE room in Las Vegas. My friend Joe didnt do as well as I did but he came within 20.00 of paying for his part and I recall he liked it too. The hotel was pretty cheesey. Bob stayed in the dark lite bar smoking cigarretes like a man about to be executed. The rooms had this funny silver coating with round circles on the wall that stuck out 3d like. It was space and a speceship travel motif. I have a postcard of the place and when I find it I will post it, John

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Todays Token 1979 Bob Stupak's Vegas World
Re: Todays Token 1979 Bob Stupak's Vegas World
Thanks John. Any more Vegas World stories? grin
It was the first place I stayed in Vegas
Re: It was the first place I stayed in Vegas
If anyone has a picture they took of Vegas World..
I have a great Postcard of Vegas World
Vegas World Match Cover
And another match cover
The other side...
Here is the free play slot token
And the other side...
Here is a playing card I got recently
This one I got for free for staying there
I think

Copyright 2022 David Spragg