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The Chip Board Archive 13


If your name is on this list, then your email link on Greg’s Chip Links is invalid.
Greg has asked that you email me updated data for me to build a list to forward to him. He does not have time to deal with the 300 current invalid address.
Any entry that does not receive the requested update will be removed one week from the date of this posting.
Greg has provided us with many services, let’s help him.
Wishing you enough,
Dick Staeffler R-3828

Maloy, Jenny
Mann, Cindy
Manzanares, Paul
Markman, Larry
Marsh, Mary
Martello, Elaine
Martinez, Nicolasa
Marshall, Ron
Massimiani, John
Mayo, Jim
McKim, Burrell
McLean, Brian
mCCloud, Victor
McCoy, Robert
Melling, Larry
Mendez, Carlos
Meyer, Jeffery
Miller, Steve
Miroshnichenko, Alex
Mode, Roy
Monaco, Vinnie
Morgan, ROger
Morris, Wayne
Murphy, Pau;
Myers, Allan
nAAs, Aaron
Nelson, Chuck
Newman, Joel
Nielson, Paul
Norris, Kevin
Olea, David
Orme, Bob
Pace, David
Pancila, Jeffery
Pardue, Robert
Par, Michael
Parker, Sharon
Passalacqua, Steve
Pastoria, Vince
Pecoraro, Mike
Pedro, Ryan
Peranzo, Phil
Phillips, Scott
Poff, Judy
Pollack, Ralph
Poole, Michael
Porro, Pet
Powell, John
Price, Richard SR & JR
Provenzano, Mike

Copyright 2022 David Spragg