If your name is on this list, then your email link on Greg’s Chip Links is invalid.
Greg has asked that you email me updated data for me to build a list to forward to him. He does not have time to deal with the 300 current invalid address.
Any entry that does not receive the requested update will be removed one week from the date of this posting.
Greg has provided us with many services, let’s help him.
Wishing you enough,
Dick Staeffler R-3828
Ignoffo, Sal [2 listings]
Isayama, Pedro
Ivy, Jennifer
Jankowski, Vito
Jennings, Mark
Jezeski, Richard
Johnson, Greg
Johnston, Dave
Johnston, Vance
Judge, Bill
Jung, Andy
Jung, Mel
Kaplan, Marty
Karbulka, David
Karli, Bruce
Keihn, Howard
Kellerman, Thomas
Kelly, John Richard
Kenna, Thomas
Ketchum, Tom
King, Gregory
Kirby, Rusty
Kleindienst, Al
Koenig, Kenneth
Kruger, Robert
Kruse, Jim
Lapham, Barry
Latorre, Sal
Lauderman, Jeff
Lawrence, Thomas
Lazarus, Terry
Le, Tom
Leggio, Tom
Lehew, Stan
Leis, Ronald
Leonard, Kerry
Levy, Robert
Lewis, Dan
Lischak, ROn
Lonstein, Dr. Eugene M.