Today's mail brought me 3 chip packages which in turn brought me my 2000th different $1 chip! It is a milestone I never imagined reaching when I began collecting more seriously about 4 years ago.
I took a look at my Excel Spreadsheet that I use to document my collection and came up with a few numbers.
In the past 4 years, I have received chips as a result of 575 different transactions (trades, purchases, e-Bay wins, contests, casino visits, ...). In total, I have done business with 268 different people (mostly fellow collectors).
I just want to offer a heartfelt thanks to all of you great peeople that I have transacted with for making our hobby so very enjoyable and helping me acquire some fantastic chips.
now I must go begin my journey to #3000...I'll be in touch soon...)
Respectfully...Jim (R-5882)