TCR lists 6 colors for the "regular" Aladdin 24 Lines Roulettes - Brown, Gray, Green, Navy, Pink and Yellow. You show an "Orange" D Roulette chip that is not listed in TCR.
I don't have any "Orange" Roulette chips from the Roulette tables in the main casino floor at Aladdin.
I have the 6 colors listed in TCR for tables A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
Here is what I think happened - Aladdin obviously has 7 different colors for each Roulette table, six + your "Orange
Somewhere along the line they put the "Orange" D Roulette chips in play. They may have "Orange" chips on all of the tables now, I don't knom for sure since I haven't been in the Aladdin in quite some time.
The next time your in Las Vegas go and check and see what they have on ALL the tables currently - the "Orange" chips may be in play now.
Shown in the scan below are various "Orange" chips from the London Club at the Aladdin. I know for sure that there are at 7 colors of chips for each London Club table, even though they usually only have five different colors out on the tables.
TCR lists 6 colors for the London Club, but I believe their listing is not accurate.
The colors used in the London Club are exactly the same as the Regular Aladdin Roulettes - Brown, Gray, Green, Navy, Pink, Yellow and "Orange"
TCR lists Red chips from the London Club, but I think these are the "Orange" color chips I show in my scan. I have never seen any RED Aladdin Roulette chips.
That's everything I know about the current Aladdin Roulettes.
Take care,
"Mr. Birl"
aka "Mr. Roulette"