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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Toke The Cashier and I bet she hands ya 2 of t

Don't work, I also tried that. My plan was to find someone on line who is cashing in comps for food. They wil be getting 2 dollars or more in comps. I figured ask them to get the chips and you will give them 3-5 each and everyone is a winner. That plan didn't work either. Another is the Riv machines show your comp dollars on the readout. If you are sitting next to someone and you see they have money coming to them ask them to bring back the chips and make the same offer. Barry

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Riviera Rub Chips Available
Re: Riviera Rub Chips Available
Re: Riviera Rub Chips Available
How did you get them
Re: How did you get them
Re: How did you get them
Toke The Cashier and I bet she hands ya 2 of them
I tried that...didn't work for me. And I think my
Re: Toke The Cashier and I bet she hands ya 2 of t
Re: Riviera Rub Chips Available
Rub Chips are all gone

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