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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Driving in Las Vegas ( Venting )

Julie - you gotta come to east Tennessee if you want to see bad drivers. Here you will be on a 55 MPH highway and the other driver will pull up to a crossing streets stop sign. They will wait until you are 100 feet away and then pull out in front of you (even if there isn't another car anywhere in sight) and then wonder why you are slamming on your brakes. The people in other cities are bad drivers, here in Tennessee they just don't know how to drive. In Wisconsin I was forced to take drivers education is high school before getting my liscense 40 years ago. My daughter, 12 years ago, tried to take drivers ed at her school only to find out that IT WASN'T OFFERED! Ever since I moved here, I have maintained that before Tennesseans get their liscense they should be forced to drive for a month in Chicago. Any who survive the month would get their license. I don't think many would make it. vbg

Messages In This Thread

Driving in Las Vegas ( Venting )
tailgate is what I meant in above post
Leaving Las Vegas
Please..... Houston has got worse traffic
Re: Please..... Houston has got worse traffic
Re: Please..... Houston has got worse traffic
Ed, remember that I drive 100 miles every day to
Houston..BY the worst..with..
Re: Please..... Houston has got worse traffic
Re: Please..... Houston has got worse traffic
Re: Driving in Las Vegas ( Venting )
Amen to east TN drivers!!
Try LA...You'll love Vegas afterwards!
Trust me between Ron and I
Re: Driving in Las Vegas ( Venting )
Driving in Los Angeles
Put on A huge Tow Bar with Ball
Re: Try chasing off a buffalo
Re: Driving in Las Vegas ( Venting )
Re: Driving in Norway

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