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The Chip Board Archive 13

for sale DiSwirl Mold Sample Chips - Whats left for trade

These are what I have remaining of the Midwest Diswirl mold sample chips. Front and back are shown on the brown chip. They are for trade for other chips I need or for sale at the following prices postage paid.

These samples from Midwest are not see too often and I was told by the distributor that they are no longer making "Business Card" samples.

Brown - $6 Each or 3 for $13
Purple - $8 Each
Black (W/White/Red) - $8 Each

I can also sell a set of one of each for $20 Postage Paid (Within US) or 3 of the Brown chips for $14 Postage Paid.

Please send scans of proposed trades for other samples, Foreign chips, or T mold chips that I dont have.


Messages In This Thread

for sale DiSwirl Mold Sample Chips - Whats left for trade
Re: for sale DiSwirl Mold Sample Chips - Whats left *f
All Black Chips are gone, Only the Brown and

Copyright 2022 David Spragg