I just realized when I signed on today that it is thirteen working days until I retire, weird. While I am not superstitious about Friday the 13th myself I have known people who were superstitious about Friday the 13th. A guy in my battery in Vietnam was so superstitious about Friday the 13th he would not get out of bed on Friday the 13th. He certainly had a dark history on Friday the 13th broken bones etc. but the most interesting injury happened in a gang fight when one of the members of the opposing gang tried to cutout his tongue with a flattened kazoo (small metal horn) that being the weapons of choice as the police frowned on switchblades and a flattened kazoo sharpened on a curb made for an excellent slashing weapon and the cops would have trouble making a case about armed with a kazoo. He had a horrible scar on his tongue to back up his story and a mouth on him to inspire the attempt.