Question About Roulettes
I have been gathering roulette chips from a local area casino. They don't list the casinos name on the roulette chip. My reason for collecting them other than thrill/fun of obtaining them is also for using them as traders. Does the fact that the roulette chips do not list the casinos name hurt any chances at trading them.
FYI-will show scans at some point with complete table sets. Casino is Tulalip Casino, Marysville, WA
3-older tables
3-newer tables
7 chips each table
On a side note I was attempting to collect roulettes at a smaller local casino and was more or less noticed. I was promptly asked to return the roulettes and leave the casino. It was too bad, they were nicer chips with the casinos name on it.
(Angel of the Winds Casino Arlington,WA) 1-table