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The Chip Board Archive 13

Spam...I Can't Take It Anymore..Help mad { NCR }

A few days ago I started to receive a lot and I mean a lot of Porn Spam E-Mails { until then it was only a few every now and then } and it's been non-stop since. I'd really like to stop these e-mails...but how ? I was looking around on the net and found one that looks like it'd be pretty good it's called Cloudmark Safetybar for Oulook Express Formerly SPAMNET. They have a Free 30 Day Trial...but I don't know how much $ after that. Anyone use this or anything like it ? Any and all info/help would be greatly appreciated.


Messages In This Thread

Spam...I Can't Take It Anymore..Help mad { NCR }
Re: Spam...I Can't Take It Anymore..Help mad { N
Re: Thanks Ross !!
Re: Spam...I Can't Take It Anymore..Help mad { N
Re: Thanks Rick !!
I use Cloudmark
I use Spam Buddy for OL

Copyright 2022 David Spragg