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The Chip Board Archive 13


maybe that is what happened, but I think for that Sun Bleached" theory to have happened, the following would have to have happened:

1) all the red is gone via complete bleaching by the sun, except for two red spotts which must have been covered by a "goo" or something else acting as a 100 percent sunscreen preventing the fading of those spots.

2) the sun did not effect the denomination coloring, or the navy backround color

3) the white stars, just happened to turn a deep gold color (not yellow) which coincidently matches the exact color of gold in the accent color around the word "Bally's" in the normal chip and the denomination. On the "Bally's, you can't really see it in this scan...but that very same gold is an accent color around the letters

Maybe the sun did bleach it out on a car's dashboard, but right now, I'm not so convinced yet.

Come on guys....convince me.

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Re: Bally's New Orleans Error Chip !!

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