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The Chip Board Archive 13

eBay Early Buyer Emails

I think it's the first time this has happened to me. The gentleman has written me five or six times in less than four hours after the auction started. I always wondered how this worked.

I'm the only bidder thus maybe I can get you a GREAT price now rather than risking a low one!

I wrote back and said I thought that it should run it's course, and even if I got less, at least everyone had an equal chance at the item.

Funniest is the "only bidder so far" part.

I'll wait and see what happens in the last 10 seconds. vbg

Does this happen often with higher value auctions?

Messages In This Thread

eBay Early Buyer Emails
Re: End an Auction Early??? - Unheard of!!!
Charles, in my book there is a great deal at risk!
Re: eBay Early Buyer Emails
Re: eBay Early Buyer Emails

Copyright 2022 David Spragg