"But the point is, setting a number limit doesn't make sense. It's the area or interest and what's available that sets the limit."
Wrong! Wrong! WRONG!!!
Maybe setting a number limit doesn't work for YOU.
But, for many people, it makes a great deal of sense.
With 100 chips you can display your entire collection in good manner.
For those of us with limited financial resources, buying a new chips 'bumps' another chip from the collection, which is then sold to obtain money for the next purchase.
You don't have to worry about buying lesser quality chips for 'space fillers'.
The overall quality and value of your collection is constantly increasing, rather than useless quantity.
There really is something to be said for 100 (or whatever limited number you chose) QUALITY chips vs. 3,500-5,000 chips of mixed condition which you hardly ever look at.
Neither is wrong. Do what's right for you.