Had a good turn out tonight and some new chippers too. Thanks to you all who came in . You all come back now you hear !!!!
The purpose of the chat room is to talk live , trade, and welcome new chippers. It is much easier for new people to come into a chat room to meet chippers. I know it really helped Ron and I get to know so many of you.
It is not meant to replace the board and I wouldn't even try . This board is the best !!!
I say that because some crazy person actually asked me once if I was trying to replace the board.
The chat room is really great for live chat and helps us get to know each other better.
Stop in tomorrow night and meet some fellow chippers you probably already know.
If you are new to chipping this is a great opportunity to meet others who are also new.
There always seems to be a few who are experienced chippers and they are always willing to answer questions.
Night all and for those that were new to the chat room so glad you could make it !!!