Haven't seen the MGM show, is that a DRAGONE production or a CIRQUE de SOLEI (sp?).
If you need to see a CIRQUE show I would say go to the "O" at the Bellagio, someone said they saw ZUMANITY, New York, New York (?) and thought it was awesome.
I'm not a water ballet fan but the audience on opening night Saturday last, was expecting to understand what the whole thing was, and when to applaud, and neither was there any understanding nor much applause.
A follow-up GOSSIP column in LV said, "The show at WYNN needs work...a lot of work. Was that Elaine Wynn coming out of a rehearsal on Thursday in tears".
It's $121.00 smackers! If you're dead set on going, there is no intermission, it's 90 minutes long and it doesn't matter where you sit! Get there early so you can buy your own popcorn and drinks, no service inside the theater!