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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: I Just Spoke To MR Winn
In Response To: I Just Spoke To MR Winn ()


I could almost see the classy and I think they were close, however the font used for the dollar amounts and the color combinatios didn't work for me.

It was also hard to know at first glance where they were actually from. I'm not of the opinion that they need to be all gussied up, but my first reaction was ho hum.

He has done so much for Las Vegas and because of him thousands and thousands of people are employed and thousands and thousands more have had a good time in LV.

Of the pictures that were posted here of his new property, I was very impressed.

Messages In This Thread

I Just Spoke To MR Winn
Re: Yeah but what does Mr. WYNN say? grin
I thought you told me he wanted some with
They need some chips with..
Re: They need some chips with..
Hey Gene , Are you serious??
Re: Hey Gene , Yes But Only..
Re: I Just Spoke To MR Winn

Copyright 2022 David Spragg