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The Chip Board Archive 12

Airport to LV

Mom just called said here in Houston the airport held them up with my Dad NOT passing the metal dector and they checked and made him take off all gold etc...then he still did not pass it so went it to hand search and my dad, he hates people "feeling him up" and would you know it the chew tabacco pouch made it go off every time vbg ---- Only in Texas

Mom & Dad are in the new part of the MGM and mom said it was nice but no bathroom doors!
They have there little own safe in room too!

Mom found me already (which I figured could not) some unissued chips that MGM got in yesterday.
I am very happy vbg

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Airport to LV
Re: Airport to LV
Re: Airport to LV
Re: Airport to LV
"no bathroom doors"...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg