The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 12

They need some chips with..

Weiner Dogs on them, Don't they???...maybe a moose or two. If we are going to have tacky chips lets go all out...An ostrich couldn't hurt...OK...I am going to bed...But what about a nice COW...A Joe Pavlik Chip with a great quote...

Good night, I am out of line...


(Oh yeah, don't forget to send me the Emails telling me I am an ashtray a*shole and to stay the hell out of chip collecting...I have come to expect it and love it...)

Messages In This Thread

I Just Spoke To MR Winn
Re: Yeah but what does Mr. WYNN say? grin
I thought you told me he wanted some with
They need some chips with..
Re: They need some chips with..
Hey Gene , Are you serious??
Re: Hey Gene , Yes But Only..
Re: I Just Spoke To MR Winn

Copyright 2022 David Spragg