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The Chip Board Archive 12

I Just Spoke To MR Winn

He is very sorry you guys do not like his chips.
He just spoke to Paul-Son and told them to get busy on new artwork. He wants them delivered in 3 weeks. Wants several differen designs, flowers, clowns, whales, etc of each denomination.
He thought his chips were very classy and you guys would like them. Personaly I think they were classy. Oh well, I guess chip board posts carry a little weight. grin

Messages In This Thread

I Just Spoke To MR Winn
Re: Yeah but what does Mr. WYNN say? grin
I thought you told me he wanted some with
They need some chips with..
Re: They need some chips with..
Hey Gene , Are you serious??
Re: Hey Gene , Yes But Only..
Re: I Just Spoke To MR Winn

Copyright 2022 David Spragg