To clean or not to clean is one of those subjects that people are split down the middle on. Andy - Las Vegas
Heck Andy I'm split down the middle with my own chips. Some I clean, some I don't.
Normally I don't clean, and don't clean if I'm selling/trading them. If it looks like it's got peanut butter and jelly on it and will stick to the flips and make a gooey mess, I will clean.
Sometimes I will clean a non-HS chip if I'm going to scan it and sell on eBay. Just a matter of presentation. Sometimes I'll clean around the edges, but not the center...
Plain old glass cleaner, let it sit 30 second to eat the "crud" I have used an old childrens soft tooth brush or just an old worn out tooth brush.
Rinse in water (remove the cleaner) and pat dry with an old towel. Good use for all that old suff.
I oiled some old dried up chips about ten years ago. Not worth the effort.