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The Chip Board Archive 12

Extra! Wynn website updated Extra!

There appears to be much more info on the Wynn website, from when I checked it just a few days ago. Steve narrates almost every link, chefs tell their own stories, rooms have floorplans...

No pics of Casino, however!

I have WinXP, and can't seem to get the pages to show correctly, however. It cuts off the left side, top, and a bit of the right. No options seem to correct it - HINTS?

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Wynn website updated Extra!
Looks ok to me.
I FOUND A ROOM 5/25 & 5/26 199.00 PER NIGHT WOW!!
Sorry Fred, but that's only the valet charge vbg
Re: Sorry Fred, but that's only the valet charge *
AND I GOT A $399 OFFER sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg