high level suit at The Orleans about their chips. He is extremely proud that they make the extra effort (at an additional cost) to order very high quality casino-grade chips, i.e., the PaulSon clay composition chips.
In the discussion he explained that the groove about the outer edge (just above the mold (house)) is very instrumental in allowing the dealers to handle and mange the chips.
His point was, their priority is dealer use.
As plain as the $1 looks, the $5,000 more than makes up for it!
Scanned below is a reconstruction of the first issue Orleans $1,000. My scanner has shifted the inserts from a bright green to tourquoise. These chips were confused with the current $25 chip and was quickly replaced with a new $1'000.
Interestingly enough, some how the second $1'000 chip (currently in-use) was listed as a $10,000 in the Gaming Control Chip Approval listing.
There is no $10,000 chip at The Orleans.
FYI, Jim