First of all I would like to thank everyone who has traded their Personal or Chip Collecting Related Chips for my R.I.C.H. - Jerry Birl chips in the last couple of weeks.
But I still need more chips !!! If you have any personal chips I have not yet traded for please email me. Here is a list of Chips I am still looking for:
Amy Andrae
Andy & Melissa Brown
Checques in the mail
Dave Cinch
Beth & Tom Comella
Michael Downey
Alexi Lynn Harber
Phil Jensen
Lee Kraft
Matthews Money Tree
David Moore
Mr. Chips - Archie Black
Ralph Myers
Mike Pasternack
Ralph Pollack
Ricky Pushkin (Chipco)
Gene Trimble - Palms chips
Pete Volberg
Brian Watts
Thanks fo looking,
"Mr. Roulette"